Hasbro Audit Finding andCorresponding Cap from Factory
1,Inaccordance with ICTI COBP, The facility should have access to thelocal laws on the subject of forced labor for the respectivecountry/region. Record the date of the local law on file. Thefacility should have a written policy that supports the ICTI codeposition that no forced labor shall be used. Record the date ofissue.
It was noted that no writtenpolicy on the subject of forced labor.
It is recommended that thefactory should establish a written relevant policy.
2须涕,Inaccordance with ICTI COBP, The factory should have a written policyand/or procedure on the subject of prison labor, both in theirfactory and subcontracting to prisons or facilities where prisonlabor is used. The dates of the law and written policy should becompared to make certain that current policy is appropriate. Recordthe date of issue. Compare the subcontracting policy to thefacility’s own on the subject of prison laborrequirements. Record details.
It was notedthat no written policy on the subject of prisonlabor.
It is recommended that thefacility should establish a written relevant policy